Spoštovani ljubitelji smučarskih skokov, prijatelji Planice!
Vsem, ki ste kupili vstopnice za FIS svetovno prvenstvo v smučarskih poletih v Planici marca 2020 se zahvaljujemo za nakup in še posebej za potrpežljivost v teh negotovih časih, ko so nam izredne razmere onemogočile druženje na prireditvah, ki jih imamo vsi radi.
Ob razglasitvi konca epidemije z optimizmom zremo v prihodnost, v kateri bomo lahko znova skupaj spremljali športne dogodke, med njimi tudi največje na slovenskih tleh – tekmovanja v Planici. Z veseljem vas obveščamo, da bo v novi zimski sezoni Planica kar dvakrat gostila najboljše svetovne smučarske skakalce. FIS svetovno prvenstvo v smučarskih poletih bo od 10. do 13. decembra 2020 in FIS finale svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih od 25. do 28. marca 2021. Že kupljene vstopnice lahko neposredno zamenjate za vstopnice za decembrsko ali marčevsko tekmovanje.
Z odločitvijo Vlade Republike Slovenije, da sprejme t.i. ”tretji sveženj protikoronskih ukrepov”, natančneje Zakon o interventnih ukrepih za omilitev in odpravo posledic epidemije COVID-19 (ZIUOOPE), Ur. l. RS št. 80/2020, je skladno s 65. členom tega zakona organizatorjem športnih prireditev, ki zaradi izrednih okoliščin, ki jih je povzročila epidemija, niso bile izvedene, omogočeno, da imetniku vstopnice izdajo vrednotnico v višini plačila vstopnice.
Vrednotnice za FIS svetovno prvenstvo v smučarskih poletih v Planici bodo izdane s strani Smučarske zveze Slovenije in menjava vstopnic za vrednotnice bo možna od 1. 7. 2020 do vključno 30. 9. 2020 izključno na prodajnih mestih, kjer ste kupili prvotne vstopnice.
Vrednotnice bodo unovčljive 24 mesecev od izdaje in se bodo glasile na prinosnika. Če imetnik vstopnice izdane vrednotnice ne unovči v 24 mesecih od izdaje, lahko v 14 dneh po preteku tega obdobja od organizatorja športne prireditve zahteva, da mu v 14 dneh od prejema zahtevka vrne znesek, na katerega se glasi vrednotnica.
Menjave bodo možne na prodajnih mestih Kompasa, Eventima in Petrola, torej na istih mestih, kjer so bile vstopnice tudi kupljene.
Na ta način, bo možen ogled naslednjih predvidenih tekmovanj v Planici:
– FIS svetovno prvenstvo v smučarskih poletih, 10.-13. december 2020,
– FIS finale svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih, 25.-28. marec 2021,
– FIS finale svetovnega pokala v smučarskih skokih, marec 2022.
Za vse morebitne informacije pri zamenjavi vstopnic se lahko obrnete na prodajna mesta, kjer ste kupili vstopnico.
Dodatna vprašanja pa lahko pošljete na prodajno mesto:
Kompas – booking@kompas.si
Hvala za razumevanje in športni pozdrav!
Dear ski jumping fans, friends of Planica!
We would like to thank all those who bought tickets for the FIS Ski Flying World Championship at Planica in March 2020 for their purchase and especially for their patience in these insecure times during which the emergency situation has prevented us from gathering at events that we all love.
With the end of the epidemic declared, we optimistically look to a future in which we may once again follow sports events, among which also the biggest one in Slovenia – the competition at Planica. We are pleased to inform you that in the new Winter season, Planica shall host the world’s best ski jumpers twice. The FIS Ski Flying World Championship shall be held from December 10 to December 13, 2020, and the FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Finals from March 25 to March 28, 2021. You can directly exchange the tickets that you have already bought for tickets to the competitions in December or March.
In accordance with the decision by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia to adopt the so called “third batch of measures against COVID-19’’, more specifically in accordance with Article 65 of the Act Determining the Intervention Measures to Contain the COVID-19 Epidemic and Mitigate its Consequences for Citizens and the Economy (ZIUOOPE), Official Gazette of the RS No. 80/2020, the organisers of sports events which could not be carried out due to the emergency situation caused by the epidemic, are allowed to issue vouchers to ticket holders, corresponding to the amount that was paid for the ticket.
The vouchers for the FIS Ski Flying World Championship at Planica shall be issued by the Ski Association of Slovenia and ticket holders shall be able to exchange their tickets for vouchers from July 1, 2020, up to and including September 30, 2020.
The vouchers shall be redeemable for 24 months from the date of issue and shall be issued to the bearer. If the ticket holder does not redeem the issued voucher within 24 months from their date of issue, he or she can, within 14 days after the end of this period, request from the sport event organiser to refund the amount of the voucher within 14 days after receiving the request.
The exchange shall be possible at the following sales points: Kompas, Eventim and Petrol – namely those locations where the tickets were bought in the first place.
This way it shall be possible to watch the following planned competitions at Planica:
– FIS Ski Flying World Championship, December 10 – 13, 2020,
– FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Finals, March 25 – 28, 2021,
– FIS Ski Jumping World Cup Finals, March 2022.
For any information regarding the exchange of tickets, contact the sales points where you have bought your ticket.
You can also send any additional questions to the following e-mail address:
Kompas – booking@kompas.si
Thank you for your understanding!